Tuesday, June 15, 2010

50th Reunion Dates

Firm reunion-year dates:

Friday, June 3, 2011. Buffet dinner and program (details to be sent out by Dexter in July).

Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 5 p.m. Graduation followed by a reception at the Headmaster's home (reception for all faculty and staff as well as the Class of '61).

Monday, June 6, 2011. Luncheon for our class at the headmaster's.

Thursday, Aug. 4, 2011. Dinner/reception for all classes whose year of graduation ends in 1 or 6.

Saturday, Aug. 6, 2011. Touch of Iolani (gourmet eating and drinking) at the school.

Dates still tentative: Cruise, May or during the summer.

Silverado, CA, October or November.

Donation goal: $61,000 with 50% participation (class of '60 donated $77,000). Can make pledges covering up to 3 years.

Annual giving donations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2011 will count toward our total. As of 6/10/10 about $6,000 was the total class donation for FY09/10 (ends in less than 3 weeks) with 30 classmates donating. Russ Saito and Kenneth Lee are chairing the fundraising committee.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2010 Graduation Prep

From: Tom Campbell

All: Please see Mike Moses's and Kirk Uejio's notes below. I'll call Jim Miyashiro to pass this on. The seven of us who participated were noticed and our help appreciated! My personal thanks to each of you. Just after Jim and Miles left, I was in a discussion with Cheryl Wong, of 2011 Ohana fame, about what we have been doing since kindergarten (until I hit a 7-8-9th grade impasse! Xin loi!) with our counterparts....she took us over to meet some of our young friends who were still working: we all were introduced and had a chance to chit-chat a little. I later got a chance to get introduced to several parents who were still there working...good comments. All in all, the morning served its purpose: we got to do something with the 2011 students, which we can build on for next year, and we were seen by parents and students as being involved rather than just being some 2011 graduation-day hangers on! We can talk more about next year on Thursday, 10 June.

Again, thanks and aloha! Tom

From: Kirk Uejio
To: Mike Moses

Hey there Mikey! Do you think you could please forward my thanks to your '61 crew that came to help with graduation decorations? That was REALLY cool that they wanted to come and help. I was very impressed. The whole morning went very smoothly and we even finished earlier than in years past. It was probably all because of those wonderful '61ers! Thanks again for working with them, Mike, and for your support of this. It was really cool that they wanted to work side be side with parents, students, and staff members...awesome ONE TEAM kind of stuff!

Thanks again and Go Raiders!

From: Mike Moses

Subject: Class of 1961 Help

Hi Tom,

Thanks for organizing the crew from ’61 for the graduation decorating. Please see below for a note of thanks from Kirk Uejio!

If you can please pass along the school’s thanks to those who came to help, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks, as always for your time and support!