Monday, August 30, 2010

New Lobster Eating Record

I have the high-class problem of eating all I want so I don't lose weight. Going on the 7-day inter island cruise and ordering double entrees at dinner helped. The California Bistro is my favorite seafood buffet, and I set a new record of 16 lobster halves at our 44th wedding anniversary celebration last Friday. Check out my video:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Iolani Bulletin

Mo has decided to retire from being the Class of '61 writer for the Iolani Bulletin.  If any classmate wants to take over the job, contact him.  Until someone else takes over, this blog will be the only source of news for the class.  Please email with news and we will post it.  We also have number of classmates on Facebook, I'm considering starting a group for the class so members can contribute news which will only be viewed by group members.  Also non-Facebook users can view the class page.